Read querystring
Alter the config, so the uri_match_fn is wildcard match
httpd_config_t config = HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG(); config.server_port = 80; config.uri_match_fn = httpd_uri_match_wildcard; httpd_uri_t index_uri = { .uri = "/*", .method = HTTP_GET, .handler = file_handler, .user_ctx = NULL };
In the file handler, one can now start to retrieve the query string
char query[100]; size_t query_len = sizeof(query); // Get the query string if (httpd_req_get_url_query_str(req, query, query_len) == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found URL query => %s", query); // Parse specific query parameters char param[32]; if (httpd_query_key_value(query, "param", param, sizeof(param)) == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found URL query parameter => param=%s", param); } }
This comes together in this sample:
#include "esp_http_server.h" #include static const char *TAG = "example"; // Replace with your network credentials const char* ssid = "YourWifi"; const char* password = "YourPass"; httpd_handle_t stream_httpd = NULL; httpd_handle_t camera_httpd = NULL; static esp_err_t file_handler(httpd_req_t *req) { char query[100]; size_t query_len = sizeof(query); // Get the query string if (httpd_req_get_url_query_str(req, query, query_len) == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found URL query => %s", query); // Parse specific query parameters char param[32]; if (httpd_query_key_value(query, "param", param, sizeof(param)) == ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Found URL query parameter => param=%s", param); } } Serial.printf("File handler"); char ret_homepage[255] = ""; strcpy(ret_homepage,"Hello world"); /* Set some custom headers */ httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Connection", "close"); httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); /* Send response with custom headers and body set as the * string passed in user context*/ const char *resp_str = (const char*) ret_homepage; Serial.print(ret_homepage); httpd_resp_send(req, resp_str, HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Response sent for home page request.Time:%s",esp_log_system_timestamp()); return ESP_OK; } void StartServer(){ httpd_config_t config = HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG(); config.server_port = 80; config.uri_match_fn = httpd_uri_match_wildcard; httpd_uri_t index_uri = { .uri = "/*", .method = HTTP_GET, .handler = file_handler, .user_ctx = NULL }; Serial.printf("Starting server on port: '%d'\n", config.server_port); if (httpd_start(&stream_httpd, &config) == ESP_OK) { httpd_register_uri_handler(stream_httpd, &index_uri); } } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.setDebugOutput(true); Serial.println("Started"); Serial.println("Wifi"); // Wi-Fi connection WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected"); Serial.print("Camera Stream Ready! Go to: http://"); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.println("Start Server"); StartServer(); } void loop() { Serial.println("Loop"); //s_listFiles("/sdcard"); // captureImage(); delay(10000); }